I am a graduate of INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DE COSTA RICA with a degree in network technician and a minor in computer science. I chose this because throughout high school, I loved working with my hands, tearing computers apart, and learning networking concepts. I didn’t know how diverse this field of study was. Throughout high school and in college, I was hired by people and businesses to help with their technology needs.

I’m a technology professional with over 20 years’ experience in networking, consumer electronics and computers. I enjoy doing consulting work on the side. I work full time for different companies such as call centers, software Developer, and many others. Before transitioning into a full time independent workers, I was in charge of customer service department of one call center and also helping with IT department.
The different roles I had done over the years within the companies were to manage servers, install software, and learn how to use new software, create marketing campaigns, teach how to talk to clients and any others.
This allows me to constantly work on my communication and tech skills as well as how to analytically think and process through problems. A strong skill of mine is my work ethic. I never stop until the job is done, and will do it as fast and efficient as I can, while still doing quality work.
I have worked with technology and gadgets of one type or another both professionally and in my personal life for 30 years. I’ve worked in technical support, network installation, technical training, and software marketing.